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Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 months ago

Hi everyone!

I'd like to play a simple game for anyone interested: Let's write a story one sentence at at time. It can be as serious, or as silly, as we want. Let's also do our best to follow the rules of grammar and typography. I hope this will be a fun exercise for everyone involved.


1. When posting, reply directly to the most recently posted message.

2. Avoid typos and grammatical errors. Do not post run-on sentences.

3. Do not edit your message after posting, unless you want to correct any typos or grammatical errors.

4. Wait at least one hour after posting a reply to let others have a chance.

5. Do not reply directly to yourself.

6. Adhere to the site rules and regulations (obviously).


I'll start:

John woke up early to start his Saturday morning routine.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 months ago

Eggs, toast, coffee, and the news on the screen.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 months ago

Then he brushed his teeth, all nice, white and clean.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 months ago

John prided himself on his meticulous nature knowing that any misstep or mis-ordered action could lead his whole day into chaos.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 months ago
Unfortunately, other ideas had his wife, Eos.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 months ago

'Other Ideas' was the pseudonym of the government agent assigned to survey him through his laptop's camera.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 months ago
Unbeknownst to John, he had met the government agent before despite not knowing the truth of Eos's whereabouts.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 months ago

The agent, codenamed "Other Ideas", was in fact John's estranged six-year-old son, named Jason.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

10 days ago

"How did a six-year-old end up a government agent?" You may be wondering

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

7 days ago

It turns out that the person who hired him has syphilitic insanity and thought Jason would be a great government agent at his age.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

7 days ago
And despite the source of that insanity, Jason inherited it, this isn't that kind of sicko story.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

7 days ago

"You gotta start them early," the father of the government agent's leader would say.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

7 days ago
But those were his last words before the government assassinated him, as they didn't want the new agent to have any familial connections that could be used against him.

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7 days ago
Well, the last of his own words, as he was in Australia, and was quickly reanimated by sentient spiders that have him continuing his regular government duties.

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7 days ago

Contemplating the bizarre nature of his predicament, John started to plan how to get his wife, Eos, back home.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

7 days ago
He finally finished brushing his teeth, spit, rinsed, and prepared to face the day.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

6 days ago
Feeling a sudden spark of whimsy, he took a razor blade out of his back pocket and ran it lengthwise down his pretty wrists.

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6 days ago
He then finishes up shaving his arms, now all shiny smooth.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

6 days ago

He shaves his legs and the rest of his body, becoming completely hairless.

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6 days ago

As he lay on the floor bleeding out from his wounds, he contemplated how nicely the blood worked as a shaving lubricant.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

6 days ago
Then Eos walked in, started patch up his various wounds while saying, "You're batty, you know that? The spiders reanimated you so this is all just a waste of time. Now get your lazy ass to work at the government office."

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

6 days ago

"I hate spiders, they creep me out, " he exclaimed as he dragged himself off the floor, noticing as he stood up that it felt like millions of the tiny things were crawling throughout his body under his skin.

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6 days ago

"It's just the anemia," he said aloud, to no one in particular.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

5 days ago

Eos contemplated divorce after he said that dumb line.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

5 days ago
Then she said to herself, "Well, he's Dutch, I don't know why I expect anything from him."

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

5 days ago
But she had married him for his preternatural artistry with earwax sculpting, not his brains or nationality; though some of the spiders animating him were wittier conversationalists than others.

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5 days ago

The poor Dutch idiot savant picked himself up and stumbled towards his car, fearing the wrath of his wife should he choose not to go to work.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

5 days ago

His vehicle of choice was a 2010 Kia Soul with a bright red chrome wrap and a bumper sticker that said, 'HOT GIRLS HIT CURBS'.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

5 days ago
The spiders made him dyslexic, so he thought the speed limit in the school zone was 52.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago
Then he remembered that his car was so old that it didn't actually run, so he got out and started the long walk to work at the government building.

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4 days ago
He got weird looks as he crawled upside down, but he didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, that’s how he had walked his entire life.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago
There was a loud honking and the squeal of brakes ahead, and he looked up just in time to see an ogre being run over by a 2009 Toyota, driven by an admin of an obscure interactive fiction site.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago
He turned away and as he skittered into the building for work he thought, "What a horrible waste of a 2009 Toyota, there's no way that thing survives running into an Ogre of that size."

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4 days ago
He wakes up with several burning needles in his brain, as he realizes that none of it was real, just an insane trip.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago

Preferring the strange fantasy over reality, because he worked at the DMV, he wondered what his life would have been like if everything in that acid was real.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago

Reluctantly, he made his way outside and into his actual car--a 2024 Lamborghini Sterrato.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago
Well it's hit car now, he sticks the pick in between the car door and the frame and brings it down on the lock mechanism sharply.

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4 days ago

Suddenly a bright flash illuminated his surroundings as a meteor fell through the sky.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago

As it streamed through the sky, gloriously incandescent, John realized that the meteor was headed straight for him!

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago

The object got closer, and John recognized it was not a meteor after all, but a spacecraft; Anticipation charged every cell of his being as he realized his dream of being abducted by aliens was coming to pass, and as the transporter dissolved his molecules he wished that the Ogre would also get the opportunity to share this experience.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago
When John woke up, he realized that he was cold -- well, mostly just his rear end felt cold -- and he was uncomfortable lying on his back on a cold, metal table with his pants around his ankles.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago
With his hands in restraints, he understood there was only one way to get free and began gnawing through the cords of flesh making up his shoulder, savoring his own metallic tang.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago
After that light snack he begins doing the only rational thing he can think of, he begins screaming penis at the top of his lungs.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago

Unfortunately for John, that metal table he was strapped to had an AI, and it interpreted his shouts as a command.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 days ago
"You want a dick?" generated the AI in a metallic buzz of nonetheless, perfectly understandable English.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 days ago

"You've been asleep for 400 years and the first thing you want is a dick?" The Ai continued with a strangely human tone, "I've been programmed to fulfill every request of the subject so I will comply to the fullest of my computerized abilities".

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 days ago
With a humming of electronics, a shimmering light coalesced into a hard-bitten man with a trenchcost and a five o' clock shadow, lit cigarette dangling from one hand and a magnifying glass in the other.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 days ago

"What's the magnifying glass for?" John asked, innocently.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 days ago
“Just a little snack, smoking makes me hungry,” the man replies.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 days ago
He ate the magnifying glass.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 days ago
Then, putting out his cigarette by grinding it into John's moist eyeball, he said, "Let's cut the crap and get down to brass tacks."

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

2 days ago
While holding back a cry of pain from the cigarette thing, John reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of brass tacks, saying, "Here you go!"

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

2 days ago
He crunches down on them while saying, “Not what I meant, but thanks anyways.”

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

2 days ago

A voice in a tongue unfamiliar speaks loudly over an intercom interrupting the operation.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

2 days ago
Immediately following the voice, John could hear the sound of a very long, wet, machine-gun style fart.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

2 days ago
Whether it was a trick of the brain, or his vision through his now singular working eye, everything around him now scroll strangely to the far right side of the room, chased in vain by an electronic mouse.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

John rolled to his side, trying to keep his balance, and also tried to avoid the mouse he spotted out of the corner of his eye; unfortunately, this caused him to roll right off the table and onto the floor with a crash.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

And right on to some brass tacks too, that guy was sure a messy eater.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

John rolled over, winced in pain, but scrambled to his knees ignoring the additional tacks; but was surprised to find that suddenly he was alone in what smelled like and appeared to be some kind of medical examination room.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

"You're not alone here, John," the spiders assured him.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

7 hours ago

The animated spiders were real...or perhaps it was just a wild hallucination induced by the aliens?

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

4 hours ago
The spiders were definitely real, that was way before he started on the Triptocaine.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

3 hours ago
John got back to his feet, pulled up his pants, and headed for the exit, completely ignoring the spiders that may or may not exist.

Storytelling: One Sentence at a Time

one hour ago
He saw a door labeled 'Airlock,' and began to open it.